ABLATIVE fractional laser
The most superficial aspect of skin ageing can be corrected using a fractional ablative CO2 laser, considered a flagship in the field of facial rejuvenation.
The super-pulsed CO2 technology is equipped with 2 handpieces that treat both superficial and deep skin damage. The treatment results in exfoliation of the most superficial layers of the epidermis and at the same time causes neocollagenosis in the deepest layers of the dermis, contributing, over the next 3 months, to a more toned and luminous appearance of the skin.
NON-ABLATIVE fractional laser
Candela’s new non-ablative fractional laser Ydun allows us to perform facial photorejuvenation and treat atrophic acne scars on the face very effectively and without the unpleasant side effects, such as severe erythema and sometimes first degree burns of the fractional co2 laser.
This laser is able to heat the dermis to a depth of up to 1400 microns, completely sparing the superficial epidermal layers. It is able to stimulate a deep neocollagenosis leading to a rejuvenation of the face and/or the disappearance of atrophic acne scars.
The revolutionary Picogenesis system patented by Cutera, revolutionizes the world of skin rejuvenation through the use of the acoustic wave and no longer through stimulation by heat.
The non-invasive Picogenesis protocol combines the most recognised benefits of skin rejuvenation in an extraordinarily innovative and rapid treatment: cell biostimulation, skin photorejuvenation, removal of micro and macro pigmentations, stimulation of muscle tone and improvement of the complexion, wrinkle smoothing and plumping of skin laxity.
Contact us to book an appointment at the Keiron Centre