Taking into account the principles of the Mediterranean diet, our aim is to develop a personalised diet plan that takes into account the tastes and needs of the individual patient.
The personalised Mediterranean diet strikes a balance between what the body needs and what is in excess, taking advantage of all the world-renowned benefits of the Mediterranean diet.
The nutritionist accompanies the patient throughout the weight loss process through periodic weight checks, the ultimate goal of which is not only to lose weight but also to educate the patient in nutrition. At the end of the process, the patient will learn to recognise foods on the basis of their nutritional value.

This type of course can be suitable for all types of patients and is particularly suitable for young people and those in the growth phase.
The personalised Mediterranean diet ensures better results if accompanied by moderate physical exercise (which will be planned during the consultation) and is one of the most effective dietary plans in terms of the duration of the results obtained.


During pregnancy, diet plays a fundamental role both in the health of the pregnant woman and in the nutritional status of the baby. Numerous studies have shown that excessive weight gain during pregnancy is a risk factor for the onset of hypertension and gestational diabetes. The role of the nutritionist is fundamental in making the diet during pregnancy as balanced as possible.

It is also essential to control weight during pregnancy, which is calculated by the nutritionist on the basis of the maternal nutritional status before pregnancy.

During the first trimester, or up to the tenth week, weight gain is generally negligible, while in the second and third trimesters it is more or less constant, averaging 350/400 g per week.

It is important to emphasise that women who are underweight at the start of pregnancy require greater amounts of energy than women who start their pregnancy at an optimum weight or overweight.


Diet-therapeutic treatment for metabolic diseases:


Diabetes mellitus


Hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia


Dietary and therapeutic treatment of renal insufficiency

Dietary-therapeutic treatment for chronic inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or crohn’s disease)

Nutritional plans for the cancer patient


In the school age it is essential to ensure proper growth through a healthy and balanced diet. The possible complications of childhood obesity include the risk of early physical disorders such as gallstones, flat feet, early puberty, sleep apnoea, liver disorders, hypertension and increased blood fat, type 2 diabetes… in addition to all the risks of obesity described above, and of course, on a psychological level, a low self-esteem of the child who creates a negative image of himself.

The nutritional plans for children under 12 years of age do not involve severe calorie restrictions but aim to convey the principles of proper nutrition by guiding them in the right food choices.


The nasogastric tube is a medical technique practised by a staff of specialist doctors at the Keiron Centre, whose aim is to make patients lose weight with an enteral protein diet.

This medical practice is completely painless and is carried out continuously for about ten days with the help of a computerised infusion pump that delivers the liquid containing the proteins into the stomach during the 24 hours of the day. In this way, the stomach is always full and the patient does not feel hungry.

The estimated weight loss for this treatment is about 10% of the patient’s fat mass. For example, a healthy 1.68 m tall woman weighing 80 kg should generally lose about 8 kg of fat mass at the end of the treatment.

Once the first cycle of nep has been carried out, a specific maintenance diet must be followed in order to maintain the weight loss.

It is possible to repeat, after the first cycle with the nose-gastric probe, and after appropriate medical checks and laboratory tests, a second cycle of treatment for weight loss.


Contact us to book an appointment at the Keiron Centre

    +39 3792933745

    081 702 16 23 | 702 13 48