The examination lasts about 60 minutes and is conducted by the doctor and nutritionist. During the examination the following will be carried out

  • Personal and family medical history for possible findings of nutrition-related diseases.
  • History of weight and previous dietary attempts made
  • Reading of blood tests of interest or possible prescription of the same
  • Dietary survey to assess the patient’s eating habits and estimate calorie intake
  • Anthropometry (weight, height, body circumference, plicometry)
  • Calculation of basal metabolism and desirable weight

A personalised diet plan will then be drawn up which is best suited to the patient’s needs in order to achieve the set goals.

The first free check-up is usually scheduled at 15 days to assess adherence to the diet and to make any necessary adjustments to encourage patient compliance.


Contact us to book an appointment at the Keiron Centre

    +39 3792933738

    081 702 16 23 | 702 13 48