Gluteoplasty a perfect bottom to fit your body.
The high, round and well-proportioned buttocks is the new trend in plastic surgery, both for women and men. The procedure is quick and safe for a perfect result that leaves the patient fully satisfied.
In the United States, gluteoplasty is one of the most popular procedures, although this is a growing field of cosmetic surgery worldwide.
Prof. Giuseppe Scalera, always attentive to new trends, performs this procedure after a careful examination of the patient in order to choose together the most suitable implants for his body.
Why gluteoplasty surgery?
Why do women and men decide to reshape their backsides?
The answer is simple: to gain more self-confidence and look more beautiful, to show off to others with more confidence and to give their body more balance.
This operation helps to restore the volume of the buttocks, to give a perfect symmetry to the bottom and to reshape it in a definitive way.
The problems of the buttocks are diverse and not always solvable with physical training. Buttocks too small or too big, or disproportionate and not very round. In fact, roundness is the key word in gluteoplasty. There are those who have poor projection, i.e. a flat bottom, and those who have little consistency, i.e. a sagging buttock.
And there are people who find themselves with an empty and untoned buttocks after losing many kilos. This operation is often carried out after other plastic surgery operations, such as liposuction or abdominoplasty or stomach surgery, to redefine and reshape the whole body.
If you fall into one of these cases, gluteoplasty is for you.
With a simple and minimally invasive procedure, you will revolutionise your bottom and give your body a new beauty.
How does the procedure works?
Fast and no scars
The procedure is very simple, takes between one and two hours and in most cases allows you to go home the same day. There are no contraindications and no post-operative pain, with the advantage of a natural result.
The implants contain silicone gel that reproduces muscle tissue and have a very strong outer shell. On the inside, the gel is made up of meshes to guarantee stability and, above all, the possibility of moving freely in all positions
The incisions for the positioning of the implants are made at the bottom, in the fold between the buttocks and thighs, in order to make the scar completely invisible. Finally, the patient’s choice is fundamental in determining the intervention, is he to decide the type of prosthesis best suited to his tastes, always with the help of the surgeon.
Polytech implants, a German guarantee of professionalism.
Prof. Scalera relies exclusively on the world’s leading manufacturers of silicone implants for aesthetic medicine, with thirty years’ experience, including Polytech, Motiva and GC Aesthetics. These companies’ implants are recognised worldwide for their efficiency, precision and reliability.
Thus, Prof. Scalera offers a wide range of prostheses in various sizes, with round or anatomical shape. This allows the patient to choose from a variety of solutions the one that best suits his or her body.
Gluteal Armonic: replacement guarantee
up to 10 years
Another benchmark company is Gluteal Armonic, which offers a smooth prosthesis with a harmonious shape ideal for augmenting and sculpting the buttocks.
The prosthesis is filled with Progressive Gel Contour, which guarantees a round and full buttocks but at the same time natural. These implants are of the latest generation, safe and covered by a replacement policy for a period of 10 years.
They also have radiopaque lines (acting as contrast media) to check the position of the prosthesis on the X-ray during post-operative check-ups.
It is possible to improve one’s appearance to achieve a balance, above all on the inside, and to aim for a perfection that must always be in line with oneself.
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